The art of upcycling

Up-cycling is the art of enhancing products, new or used, unused and intended for the dumpster, so that they “ gain value instead of losing it ”.

At IR LEATHER MANUFACTURERS Pvt. ltd. we use high quality new leather offcuts, which we source from over 150 suppliers across India. No more waste, long live up-cycling!

These magnificent pieces of leather, of different textures, colors and sizes then pass through the expert hands of our creatives and designers, who combine, coordinate, and create unique, multicolored, vibrant, energizing models!

All the art of up-cycling is there: reverse the creative process starting from the material. It takes imagination, and at IR LEATHER there is no lack of it, as well as the expert hands of the Indian craftsmen who work in our workshops in Delhi.

Up-cycling is a whole philosophy: maximum reduction of our ecological footprint, reduction of waste at our suppliers and zero waste objective at home, and high social responsibility towards our employees, in India as in France.

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